Founder's Message

Founder's Message

“Transgender community is one of the most marginalized and silenced community of people in India who deserve better lives, better opportunities and dignity for their well being. “

                                                                                   – Kalki Subramaniam

The founder of Sahodari Foundation, Kalki Subramaniam is an artist, activist, actor and a writer who is also a transgender woman. She is also the Member of National Council of Trans Persons (NCTP), a non-elected non-official council formed to advice the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in India.

Kalki found the Sahodari Foundation in 2008 to establish social justice and recognise transgender people’s rights in India. For more than two decades she has worked intensively working for the transgender community of India and achieved milestones for the rights of the community. Her contribution to the verdict and recognition of transgender identity by the Supreme court of India in 2014 is immense and noteworthy.

Kalki holds two Masters degrees and  has spoken at Harvard University on transgender rights and received standing ovation for her thoughtful and moving speech in February 2017.

Kalki pioneers in using communication and technology in the advancement of LGBT rights. An early Blogger and Youtuber since 2006, her knowledge has been put to great use for the empowerment of an entire community. Passionate about art, Kalki is a self-made artist who has done art shows across continents. She offers workshops to gender non conforming and transgender people through the Thoorikai Project which she launched in 2017.

A highly wanted motivational and DEI speaker, she has spoken among more than a million people in the last two decades and is continuing to inspire people with her messages. Sahodari Foundation is India’s pioneer organisation that focusses on knowledge, livelihood, employment, education, life skills and artistic aspirations and wellness of the LGBT community. Know more about Kalki Subramaniam from her personal website

Contact Kalki by writing to her: You can also call Kalki Subramaniam’s office: +9176397 41916.

Follow her on Linkedin by clicking here