We encourage under privileged transgender persons to pursue entrepreneurship. We have supported 70 transgender persons to start small business initiatives and provided them with the neccessary skills and infrastructure.
Here is one such success story:
From 2021, we have been organizing transgender food festivals in Pollachi, Tamilnadu every year. In 2021, in the first food festival around 12 trans caterers participated and each one prepared one food item, totally we had 12 awesome dishes for the guests. Each dish had a price. Every caterer had a stall selling one item of what they cooked and the stalls were all next to each other. We had four main courses, and six side dishes and two desserts as choices for the food lovers. The amount of reception and appreciation the food festival got was enormous, when we opened the festival for the public, all food got sold in just 2 hours and all the hot pots and vessels were empty. Only a little bit of soups were left.
The caterers wore aprons and caps and they felt so happy and confident. They felt so proud and so much in euphoria. None of them have ever had such appreciation and encouragement for their food. They are such talented people and because if their gender they are unable to move forward. We are grateful to the Lions Club of Pollachi and Lions Coordinator Rajasekar for supporting us for this festival.
Again in 2023, we had another mega food festival. This time bigger, better and want to invite more people relished on their food. It was another huge success where food broke all odds and barriers on gender. People loved the food, appreciated and with the two hours all items were sold.
In June 2024, our three of our chefs were invited by Zomato Corporate Office in Gurgaon Delhi to cook for their 150 employees and share their amazing stories of empowerment and entrepreneurship.
Here are some pictures from the food festivals.
Support our transgender entrepreneurs by helping them with the neccessary infrastructure they need to extend their business. Write to us to support this project: reachsahodari@gmail.com