Transgender Youth Mentorship Program

Kalki Subramaniam at the transgender youth mentorship program

Transgender Youth Mentorship Program

Sahodari Foundation cares for the well being and safe future of young transgender persons. In our 13 years of experience, we have seen that young people need proper guidance and mentorship to make their lives happy and peaceful, the way they want it to be. It is usually during their late teens and twenties their destinies are designed.

When families don’t accept young transgender persons, they are vulnerable to depression, exploitation and suicide.

At Sahodari Foundation, we strongly believe that like every other young people, transgender youths also deserve a dignified, happy and quality life.

The Transgender Youth Mentorship Program is designed for transgender youth to inspire, motivate, guide them and show them the way to take action for a better life during their prime years. There is no census in India on the young transgender population and their lifestyle infographics. However, the following infographic from Canada can help in our assumption for India. Indian trans youth can be vulnerable five times more than transpeople from the western nations. See the graphics below:

Considering the vulnerabilities involved for these young people, we have designed the Transgender Youth Mentorship Program to help them to design a dignified future with wellness in focus life, a life away from begging, sex work and exploitation.

Program details:

A five months program with sixteen hours of intensive training every month totaling 80 hours is offered for the participant in this program. There will also be regular monitoring and follow up by the mentors. A total of only 10 applicants are admitted in every module. No fee of any kind is received from the participant.

How to Apply:

2024-2025 applications are now accepted with program starting in September 2024. If you are in the age of 18-30, and if you identify as a transgender or non binary person, you are eligible to apply for the program. Please write an email to :, with the subject line ‘Mentorship’ and information about you, with details of your education, background and your phone number. Selections are based on interviews and your deep interest and dedication. The selection will be done by the Mentors team.